Performance is one of the most important aspects of a website but it is often overlooked by both the designers and the developers. Every segment of code and every piece of the design should be created with performance in mind. For a good site performance you have toanalyse the site traffic. Without analyze, greeting traffic is like being blind folded in a crowd. You can hear voices, but you do not know from which direction they are coming and who they are. Without analysing your website traffic, it is really difficult to improve yourwebsite marketing.

So, question is, How To Track Your Web Site Traffic?? Ok, now lets see how to trackwebsite traffic.
Counters: Counters are mostly used web tool by newbies. They show like "You have 12542 visitors Today". These numbers can't be trusted because the page designers has the ability to fix the number.
Trackers: Tracking software can count the total number of visitors as well as can detect the path by which a visitor comes your Website. Tracking software tells you more than just the number of visitors, it can give visitors statistics according by referrer, date, time, page viewed, browser and countless other values.
Examples: Sitemeter, Extreme-DM, Histats
Using Internet Service Provider's Statistical Package: Do you know, every ISP keeps log files. This log files contains every single hit on your Website. So, by using these log files, you can get a good idea of from where your website visitors are coming, which pages they are visiting, how long they stay on your website, and which browsers they are using to browse.
Web Traffic Analysis Software: Web Traffic Analysis software first analyse your server log files and then create website traffic reports according your log files. The better qualityof the reports will depend on your software. Some log analysers are free to use and they are pre-installed on many hosting accounts, while others are costly.
Examples: Webalizer, WebTrends
Web traffic analysis provide valuable information about websites. You can make bettermarketing decisions by analysing Web traffic. Web traffic analysis allows you to determine what marketing strategies are successful, then to change them accordingly, to boost your web traffic and sales.
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