TOP 7 Problems that Freelancers Face & How To Settle Them 4 comments

Monday, April 23, 2012

Generally, a freelance career is challenging and it’s filled with ups and downs. A freelancing career seems very exciting and exhilarating and most of the freelancers think that they are their own Boss and they get to work when they want. However, do freelancers have that sort of freedom? Things are really different that we often think. A freelancer has to face a lot of challenges to stay focused and concentrated toward his/her work. The challenge for freelancers is to face the challenge and go ahead with their focus. Let’s dive into the challenges in this article.

01. Getting Started:

It’s really hard to get started with a freelancing career.  A lot of things evolve around a freelance career when you think of starting out. Perhaps, you are continuing your school or college or University and you are really confused when to start and if you start will you be doing that for the rest of your life or will be switching to a full time job? Another thing is to get your very first freelance project. It’s really hard to get your first job. So, here we see two issues; one is When to start and another on is how to get the first freelance job.
Solution: It’s up to you when you want to start your freelance career. But it’s better to get started right away as the competition is getting harder and a lot of new freelancers are coming in everyday. Be confident and determined and make yourself competent and skilled in your area of expertise, learn and get updated with the latest advances in your field, make an eye-catching cover letter describing your  experience, skills and why you are fit for the project. After that, start applying for jobs and get ready to kick start your freelance career.

02. Time Management:

It seems very simple to get up, go to shower, have breakfast and start with your work. Since you work from home, it’s totally up to you if you want to sleep more, watch TV, chat with friends, do party etc. Life, however seems very enjoyable..But are you getting productive? Are you meeting your clients’ deadlines? The best way is to make a TO-Do list everyday when you wake up and perform the tasks on time. Simplify the most urgent work at the TOP of your list.

03. Working Day & Night:

Work from home freelancers often forget to STOP the work and take some rest. I myself have had the situation and i finally found that it has an adverse effect in my body and mind. Make sure that you know when is the right time to STOP, we are not ROBOTS and we have to take some rest. Organize your work and don’t forget to go to bed on time.

04. Meeting Deadlines:

Your client always wants you to prefer his work at the top of your priority and meeting the deadlines on time. Hitting deadlines is really a crucial aspect and you should organize your clients’ tasks efficiently so that you hit the deadlines on time and make them happy and get the project going. But it’s true that sometimes it’s tough to balance client expectation. For example, one of your clients wants you to work in the morning hours.. but you prefer sleeping in the morning hours..

05. Staying Inspired:

Staying inspired is really hard.. You are working almost 10-16 hours a day and you might get bored. Sometimes you might feel that you could feel more better if you don’t have to see your Laptop or PC in front of your eyes..lol. It happens. The best way to get inspired is to watch a movie, take a walk outside, read some inspiring blog posts, read about a successful entrepreneurs etc. Find which one works for you.

06. Saying NO!

Saying NO to new clients is really hard.. It might seem that you are going to enjoy new projects but the question is: Will you able to do the project efficiently while you are already loaded with a lot of projects? So, go ahead and learn how to say NO! to new clients.. It will help you keep up with your current project and meet the deadlines on time.

07.  Every Day Is a Holiday?

Unlike a full-time employment, freelancers may seem every day as a holiday. If you are wasting your day watching  movies, outing, partying etc who is gonna be responsible for your work? While your client is expecting a better result and meeting deadlines on time and moving forward with another new project, you are wasting your time on other stuff. Be organized and try to accomplish every day’s task efficiently.. Have some time for partying, outing etc..
Stay Cool!!

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