Most of peoples search Internet to find How to Get easily Approved in Google AdSense? But in actual no one get correct answer.
But i can make you sure, if you follow my each steps carefully then you will see your AdSense approved application within one day 

How to Get AdSense Approved Easily?
1. You website / Blog Content : I read somewhere that Content Is the King & I follow it. You must follow it, Remember if you blog has unique quality content , then it will be approve in AdSense easily. Also you must have Top Level Domain
2. Blog Niche: I have seen many person saying that their AdSense account is disapproved/disable without any reason. You must remember that AdSense has some Policy Click Here & If your Blog Niche is stated in this List then you can never approved for AdSense.
3. Damian age: According to AdSense your domain age should be at least 6 month old in order to apply. But according to me, if your blog has great content and getting good traffic then you can apply after 3 months, you will be approved 

4. Traffic of Your Blog: If your blog has low traffic then no need to apply because you can’t earn via low traffic. Also you won’t get approved if your traffic is low. Remember Traffic is mirror of your content, Low traffic=Bad content
5. Earlier Banned by AdSense: Its very confusing to tell, In Official language – If you ever previously banned in AdSense then You will never get approve in future:( But in mine language- You can get approve just need some tweaks while applying, wait for my upcoming post 

6. Finally: Before Applying for AdSense Remember, Your blog should has Privacy Policy (Click here to create AdSense friendly privacy policy) and Also checked that your website is not banned by AdSense.
Now if you think you are following all above stated steps then Go Ahead and Get your AdSense approved easily. Best of Luck 

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